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Medium Cities Development Project

هذا المشتري هو جزء من World Bank.
Medium Cities Development Project يعمل في فيتنام.
The objective of the Medium Cities Development Project for Vietnam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services in Lao Cai City, Phu Ly City, and Vinh City in a sustainable and efficient manner. There are four components to the project, the first component being urban basic infrastructure upgrading and service improvement. This component will improve urban infrastructure and service conditions in existing or newly developed urban areas and resettlement areas, including construction and rehabilitation of basic infrastructure systems such as water supply and sanitation, drainage, power supply, lighting, roads, and schools. The second component is the urban water supply and environmental sanitation. This component will construct and rehabilitee of primary and secondary infrastructure for water supply, drainage, wastewater collection and treatment, and flood mitigation, including improving drainage and pavement of roads. The third component is the urban roads and bridges: construction of roads and bridges. Finally, the fourth component is the project management support and technical assistance.

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