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3A-OMVS - Transmission Expansion Project

هذا المشتري هو جزء من World Bank.
3A-OMVS - Transmission Expansion Project يعمل في أفريقيا.
The development objective of the OMVS Transmission Expansion Project for Western Africa is to enhance electricity trade among Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal.The project consists of two components: (1) RIMA Reinforcement and Expansion; and (2) Technical Assistance. The first component, RIMA reinforcement and expansion will finance the construction of a new 288 km long 225 kV double circuit transmission line from Kayes (Mali) to Tambacounda (Senegal), with an estimated wheeling capacity of 400 MW. The line earth system will be equipped with a fiber optic cable (24 pairs) and equipment required to provide electricity access to villages along the route of the line. To connect the line to the system, the IDA Credit will also finance two 225 KV bays at the existing substation in Kayes and at the future substation in Tambacounda. The latter substation is under construction under the World Bank?s cofinanced Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie (OMVG) Interconnection Project. This component divided into two sub-component, (i) Kayes-Tambacounda Transmission Line; and (ii) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System; The second component, technical assistance will finance the contract of the Owner?s Engineer that will assist Socit de Gestion de l?Energie de Manantali (SOGEM) in implementing the project, including assistance in the procurement process and undertaking the supervision of the works included under sub component 1.1. In addition, this component will finance consultancy services to strengthen SOGEM?s capabilities to implement the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) as well as operating costs.

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