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AO- Commercial Agriculture Dev. Proj

هذا المشتري هو جزء من World Bank.
AO- Commercial Agriculture Dev. Proj يعمل في أنغولا.
The objective of the Commercial Agriculture Development Project for Angola is to increase productivity and market access for selected beneficiaries in the project areas. There are four components to the project, the first component being promotion and support for agribusiness development. This component will support eligible farmers and agribusiness SMEs, including those led by/made up of women and youth, to adopt better technologies, improve their skills, access financial markets, and process and commercialize their products. This component includes two subcomponents: strengthening skills, productivity, and commercialization, and partial credit guarantees. The second component is the infrastructure for production and marketing. This component will finance critical enabling infrastructure for the development of commercial agriculture in the project areas, including: (a) rehabilitation of rural roads: (b) small?scale public irrigation infrastructure: and (c) ?last?mile? connection to the electricity grid and conversion to three phases. This component includes three subcomponents: rehabilitation of rural roads, support to public irrigation projects, and last?mile rural electricity connections. The third component is the institutional strengthening and improved business environment. This component intends to improve the business environment and institutional capacity to support private sector competitiveness in selected value chains. This component includes two subcomponents: value chain strategy development, research and development, and institutional capacity strengthening. Finally, the fourth component is the project management, monitoring, and evaluation.

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