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INDIA - Chandigarh Municipal Corporation

هذا المشتري هو جزء من Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
INDIA - Chandigarh Municipal Corporation يعمل في الهند.
The Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC) is the administrative body responsible for providing civic services to the city of Chandigarh, India. Established in 1994, MCC's responsibilities include waste management, water supply, sanitation, transportation, and urban planning. The corporation is divided into various departments, including engineering, health, and taxation. MCC also oversees the development of the city's infrastructure, parks, and recreational spaces. Citizens can contact the corporation to report issues, pay bills, or access various government services. You can visit their official website or visit their offices to know more about their services and schemes

إشعارات شراء

البلد:  الهند

النوع:  Request for Public Consultations

يوليو 18, 2024 
الموعد النهائي
يوليو 22, 2024 

البلد:  الهند

النوع:  طلب تقديم عروض

يوليو 18, 2024 

البلد:  الهند

النوع:  Request for Public Consultations

يوليو 18, 2024