
Supervision Services for the Construction Works for the Belize Defense Force and the Belize Police Department: 1 -Fairweather Camp ( Medic Centre, Kitchen Facility Renovation and Residual Water System), 2 - Bella Vista Village PoliceSub-Station, 3 - Santa Elena Police Station and Kitchen, 4 - Camp Belizario (Operations Headquarters, and Renovation ofHurricane Shelter and Ablutions). 5 - Belmopan City Police Station and Kitchen, 6 - Mahogany Heights Police Sub Station, 7- San Narcisco Village Police Sub-Station, 8 - Caye Caulker Police Sub-Station, 9 - 911 Facility and Police Sub-Station

خطة مشتريات

معلومات عامة

   مارس 13, 2025
   منشور: مارس 13, 2025

النص الأصلي

Tender no : BLZ-MDFDEEI-2147-8910-CF
Subject : Supervision Services for the Construction Works for the Belize Defense Force and the Belize Police Department: 1 -Fairweather Camp ( Medic Centre, Kitchen Facility Renovation and Residual Water System), 2 - Bella Vista Village PoliceSub-Station, 3 - Santa Elena Police Station and Kitchen, 4 - Camp Belizario (Operations Headquarters, and Renovation...
خيارات العضوية




550 دولارا/سنة

1000 دولارا/سنة

التكلفة عند الطلب

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