
Individual Consulting Services: "Infrastructure Specialist for the Execution Unit of Contract CABEI 2102." Your main duties will be: a) Participation as Contract Administrator for investment projects financed by CABEI, and performance of all duties required by current regulations; b) Preparation of technical inspection reports and collaboration in the preparation of reports requested by the Project Execution Unit, MOP and CABEI authorities, mayors' offices, and other authorities.

خطة مشتريات

معلومات عامة

   مارس 13, 2025
   منشور: مارس 13, 2025

النص الأصلي

Tender no : SLV-MDOPYDT(-2102-1405-CI
Subject : Individual Consulting Services: 'Infrastructure Specialist for the Execution Unit of Contract CABEI 2102.' Your main duties will be: a) Participation as Contract Administrator for investment projects financed by CABEI, and performance of all duties required by current regulations; b) Preparation of technical inspection reports and collaboration in...
خيارات العضوية




550 دولارا/سنة

1000 دولارا/سنة

التكلفة عند الطلب

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